Our Data
The most comprehensive labor market insights, covering more than 99% of the workforce.
Why Marketplace Data Can Change Your Entire Talent Acquisition Program
Our access to current and historical workforce trends helps you reduce time to hire and remain competitive in your offers.
Traditional Labor Market Information
23 billion data points on the U.S. workforce, curated from over 120 data sources, including federal, state and private data sources updated quarterly and combined for quick analysis.
Workforce Diversity Insights
Workforce demographics on nearly 150M U.S. workers with demographic information breakdowns by age, gender, race and ethnicity for every occupation in the U.S.
Compensation Data
128 million points of compensation data.
Job Posting Analytics
Competitive analysis from 2B+ Job Postings, spanning five years and more than 1,000 industries.
College and Alumni Insights
Demographic and education profiles on over 55M college graduates from more than 10,000 institutions.
Historical and Projected Employment
Historic economic trends dating back to 2001 plus 10-year labor market projections.
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